New Phone

Published on 2020-05-22

After the death of my previous phone I ordered a new phone. Due to frustration on android update system(IMO my last phone died because of a buggy OS update) and because apple just released a small budget iPhone with latest bionic ship(emphasized because guarantee on long term software updates) I ordered the iPhone SE 2020. Because of the current situation(partial lock down due to covid19) ordering via online was the only option. I ordered it on May 19th. Apple guaranteed 3-5 business days delivery. Phone arrived on 2 days later May 21st. It costs 649 SGD. While the us price is 400 USD roughly equal to 550 SGD.

I ordered the product red because I liked the red and black color combination. It was nice built with a small foot print.

This is the first time I'm using an iPhone. On the first look it seems the software is kind of lagging behind when compared to android. But what's already there, it works perfect(with contrast to android at some points).

The oldest iPhone to receive the latest latest ios update (13.5) few weeks ago is iPhone 6s which released on 2015. So I guess 5 year software updates for this phone is not an unreasonable expectation.

The three days that I didn't have a mobile phone made me recognize how much I was dependent on a mobile phone. From bank digital token to getting the time I was depending on the phone. First thing I wake up I reach for the phone. This is while I'm not even on any social media except Linkedin and Whatsapp. For me it's scary. I'm planning to gradually cut down this dependency.