Second Midterm

Published on 2024-02-18

Next week is going to be the midterm of my second term. On teaching and reading for the masters. I feel like this term is more work heavy than the last. But past always looks easy, compared to the present. (And future harder.) Next week I got to do a lab, and sit for a midterm exam on the same day.

Didn't play beach tennis this weekend since my right arm is still sour in the mornings. Due to playing badminton with wrong technique. Think it needs more resting. And my bike badly needs an overhauling.

This morning I went to the library and spend most productive 3 hours I can remember. I should do it more often. Only at the library I realized how hard it is to concentrate on the office.

Working is like riding a bike. You pick up the speed and find the rhythm. Then somebody comes up to you, and you run in to a red light. After that need to redo the speeding up part. That's hard.